For those interested in music, many options are available. Choir is available for all students all years of attendance, and high school students interested in higher-level choral works have the opportunity to join the Chamber Singers. Handbells is another opportunity in high school. Orchestra is offered from third to eighth grade, with lessons for beginners. Touring and performances are significant portions of the program. Our groups have performed in Disneyland, Seattle, and Magic Mountain, along with frequent performances at local churches by the Chamber Singers and bells.
Music Department
“Let the whole earth sing to the Lord! Each day proclaim the good news that He saves” (1 Chronicles 16:23).At Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy, it is our goal that students who are involved with any or all of the music groups, will leave PHAA with a knowledge of music and leadership that they will continue to use when performance opportunities are presented to them.
The purpose of our music courses is to introduce and develop music reading, techniques of singing, and instrument playing. We explore music from a wide variety of styles, cultures, and time periods. Students will refine their existing skills and add new skills to improve their current technique and musicianship. They will also learn about music theory and history, and how to express themselves musically in performances for our school, church and community.
The Music Department at Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy is comprised of the following performing groups: Kindergarten through 2nd Grade Choir, Grades 3 through 6 Choir, Junior High Choir, Carillon (hand bell choir), Chamber Singers (select choir), Concert Band, Concert Choir, Chamber Orchestra and Saxophone Quintet.
The Carillon and Chamber Singers perform once a month at different Bay Area churches affiliated with PHAA. All of the music groups perform twice a year for a Christmas Concert and Spring Concert.
Once a year, the Concert Band and Concert Choir will be involved in Adjudications and/or Workshops. Workshop events allow the students to work under the direction of another professional musician. It is here that students will display their knowledge of music by performing musical selections they have never seen prior to this event. The purpose of the Adjudication is to allow students the opportunity to perform for a panel of 3 to 4 other music professionals. They will evaluate the band or choir from when the group enters the stage, listening to the performance and watching for stage presence of each student. During and after the performance, the panel gives positive feedback for improvement and gives a rating from “Unanimous Superior” to “Good”. This process also lends some validity to what we do as music teachers and serves as our “standardized test” for both band and choir.